On the right side, the equivalent LaTeX commands are shown.

The articlecls stylesheet and javascript module are an attempt to create a nicely looking style for print and summarize the typographical advancements made for html. It is inspired by the features found in LaTeX and triggered by the idea that most of these features are also supported in today's CSS3 and HTML5. A live version is available on http://wannesm.be/articlecls/ and a generated PDF version can be found on http://wannesm.be/articlecls/articlecls_print.pdf. The sources (including this text) can be found at https://github.com/wannesm/articlecls. This is very much work in progress and all feedback is appreciated.

The internal html used will be showed in boxes like this one.

Table of Contents



\author{Wannes Meert}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="utf-8" />
	<meta name="generator" content="articlecls" />
	<meta name="author" content="Wannes Meert" />
	<meta name="dcterms.issued" content="2012-02-06" />
	<link rel="author" href="mailto:wannes.meert@cs.kuleuven.be" />

	<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/normalize.css" type="text/css" />
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/articlecls.css" type="text/css" />

	<script src="js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
	<script src="js/articlecls.js"></script>

You can pass options to the article.cls class. For example, if you want a modern version of the style you can use the following line:

<script data-options="modern" src="js/articlecls.js"></script>

All options that are available (pass multiple options to data-options as a comma separated list):

altfootnotesSee footnotes section
bibliography=filenameSee bibliography section
citationstyle=stylenameSee bibliography section
hyphenatorSee hyphenation section
interactiveAdds interactive web features
noglossarySee glossary section
nomathjaxSee mathematics section
notitleSee title section
notocSee table of contents section
tocsearchSee table of contents section
twocolumnsSee two columns section
princeMake browser output html that can be interpreted by Prince (See Prince section)
Options accepted by Article.cls



		Some introductionary text.

	\section{Another section}
		Some more text.

		\subsection{A subsection}
		Some subsection text.

		<p>Some introductionary text.</p>
		<h2>Another section</h2>
		<p>Some more text.</p>
			<h3>A subsection</h3>
			<p>Some subsection text.</p>
		<h2 class="notoc">References</h2>
		<p>Some references.</p>

The <section> tags are optional. Header tags (e.g., h1) implicitely introduces a new section.

/* Start h1 on right page. */
h1 {
		page-break-before: right;
/* Start h2 on a new page. */
h2 {
	page-break-before: always;
/* No breaking paragraphs after 1 or 2 lines. */
p {
	widows: 5;
	orphans: 5;

Mininal html5 header and body

The html5 standard allows you to omit optional tags like html, head, body. Also not all closing tags (e.g., </p>) are required. This can make your document significantly simpler. An equivalent version of the header and body together as shown above would be:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="generator" content="articlecls" />
<meta name="author" content="Wannes Meert" />
<meta name="dcterms.issued" content="2012-02-06" />
<link rel="author" href="mailto:wannes.meert@cs.kuleuven.be" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/normalize.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/articlecls.css" type="text/css" />

<script src="js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/articlecls.js"></script>
	<p>Some introductionary text.
	<h2>Another section</h2>
	<p>Some more text.
		<h3>A subsection</h3>
		<p>Some subsection text.
	<h2 class="notoc">References</h2>
	<p>Some references.



The title, authors and date are automatically inserted at the beginning of the article based on the meta-information found in the header unless the notitle option is given in the header or a header block is present.

If you want to avoid Javascript you can add the title block manually within the article tags as follows:

	<div class=authors>
		<span class=name>Firstname1 Lastname1</span>
		<span class=name>Firstname2 Lastname2</span>
	<time datetime="2012-01-17" pubdate>January 17, 2012</time>

The code added automatically follows the following tempate and is inserted right after the article tag.

	<div class=authors>
		<span class=name>Firstname1 Lastname1</span>
		<span class=name>Firstname2 Lastname2</span>
	<time datetime="2012-01-17" pubdate>January 17, 2012</time>


Add a section with id abstract to your document.

	My abstract ...
<section id="abstract">
	My abstract ...

Headers and footers

The articlecls module adds a header which contains the document title on the left page and the current section on the right page. The footer contains the current page number. These features are supported by prince but not by all browsers.

/* Create named page */
@page pagename {
div.classname {
	page: pagename;
/* Set header on left page but not on pages named 'blank' */
@page :left {
	@top-left {
		content: "My header text";
@page blank :left {
	@top-left {
		content: normal;
/* Use named string for the current section */
h1 {
	string-set: header content();
@page :right {
	@top-right {
		content: string(header, first);
/* Page number in footer */
@page :left {
	@bottom-left {
		content: counter(page);

@page front-matter :left {
	@bottom-left {
		content: counter(page, lower-roman);

Two columns

If you prefer a two-column layout you can add the twocolumns option to the articlecls module.

<script data-options="twocolumns" src="js/articlecls.js"></script>


Page breaks

You can force a line break by inserting the following snippet:

<div class="page-break"></div>


Appendices can be introduced by adding the appendix class to an <h3> tag.

For example:

<h3 class=appendix>My Appendix Title</h3>


Table of Contents

Add the id toc to the section where you want your table of contents. Headers having as class notoc will not be included in the table of contents and header with the class nonumber will be unnumbered but included into the table of contents.

<section id="toc">
	<h2 class="nonumber">Table of Contents</h2>

If you want an input field for live searching the table of contents (like in this document) you can add the tocsearch option to the article.cls class.


To make a reference from one part of your text to another you can use the id-tag. For example a link to the parent section. Inserting automatically the section number when cross-referencing to a section can be done with the h2ref and h3ref classes. Cross-referencing to figures and tables is explained further (requires css properties that are not yet implemented in all browswer).

\section{Tagged title}\label{mytitle}
Some text referencing the tagged title \ref{mytitle} and the tagged figure \ref{myfig}.
<h3 id="mytitle">Tagged title</h3>
<figure id="myfig">...</figure>
<p>Some text referencing the <a href="#mytitle" class="h3ref">tagged title</a> and the <a href="#myfig" class="figref">tagged figure</a>.</p>
a.h2ref:after {
	content: " (" target-counter(attr(href), headertwo) ")";

[W3C, Prince]


Inserting footnotes can be done as follows:Example footnote. Note that the necessary CSS properties are not yet supported in most browser and articlecls uses an extra option altfootnotes to cope with that.

\footnote{Example footnote.}
<span class="footnote">Example footnote.</span>



While writing a text, you can introduce glossary items like HTML and CSS with the abbr tag. If you add the noglossary class, the abbreviated term will not appear in the glossary. The class hidden can be used to introduce a term into the glossary without showing it in the main text. A glossary is automatically inserted into the section with id glossary:

Introducing the term <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> in a text.
<section id="glossary">

For an example, see the glossary section.



CSS3 supports hyphenation and articlecls applies it to all paragraphs. A more detailed explanation and an extension in javascript can be found on the website of Hyphenator.js which is a Javascript solution for browser that do not yet support advanced hyphenation. The hyphenator.js extension can be activated by giving the hyphenator option to the articlecls.js module.

Example:Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore — While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. “‘Tis some visiter,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door — Only this and nothing more.” (Edgar Allan Poe)


If it disagrees with experiment, it is wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It doesn’t make any difference how beautiful your guess is, how smart you are, who made the guess, or what his name is. If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. That’s all there is to it.

Richard Feynman
	If it disagrees with ... That’s all there is to it.

	Richard Feynman
<blockquote cite="http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Richard_Feynman">
	<p>If it disagrees with ... That’s all there is to it.</p>
	<footer>Richard Feynman</footer>


Aside box

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

	<p>Some extra information on the side. Or a quote?</p>
<p>Lorem ...


	'fn': 'Wannes Meert',
	'org': 'Departement of Computer Science, KU Leuven',
	'adr': {
		'street-address': 'Celestijnenlaan 200A',
		'postal-code': '3001',
		'locality': 'Heverlee (Leuven)',
		'country-name': 'België',
	'url': 'http://wannesm.be',


Inserting a numbered list

	\li Item 1
	\li Item 2
	<li>Item 1
	<li>Item 2


  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2

Inserting a bullet list

	\li Item 1
	\li Item 2
	<li>Item 1
	<li>Item 2


  • Item 1
  • Item 2

Inserting a description list

	\li[Label 1] Item 1
	\li[Label 2] Item 2
	<dt>Label 1 <dd>Item 1
	<dt>Label 2 <dd>Item 2


Label 1
Item 1
Label 2
Item 2


Inserting an image

HTML allows to insert image formats like .jpg, .png, .gif. In browsers that support all CSS3 properties you can autonumber references (e.g., ). See also the section about cross-referencing.

Example image.
Reference this figure \ref{firstfig}.
	\caption{Example image.
<p>Reference <a class="figref" href="#firstfig">this figure</a>.</p>
<figure id="firstfig">
	<img alt="image" src="image.jpg" />
	<figcaption>Example image.</figcaption>
Code to insert an image.
CSS-code for numbering:
body {
	counter-reset: figure;
	/* Warning: only one counter-reset allowed per tag/class/id. */
	/* You need to combine different counters in one counter-reset. */
	/* Warning: counter-reset defines the scope of the counter */
	/* to the currrent DOM element. */
figure {
	counter-increment: figure;
figure figcaption::before {
	content: "Figure " counter(figure) ": ";
CSS-code for avoid split over pages:
figure {
	page-break-inside: avoid;

Inserting a pdf

Next to image files, you can also include pdfs as images (works in Safari, for Chrome and Firefox you'd need to use the object tag).

Example pdf.
	\caption{Example pdf.}
	<img src="img/results.pdf" title="results" width="60%" >
	<figcaption>Example pdf.</figcaption>
Code to insert pdf.

This can also be achieved by using the object tag.

	<object data="img/results.pdf" type="application/pdf" title="results" width="460pt" height="189pt"></object>
	<figcaption>Example pdf.</figcaption>

Inserting code

Some inline code-snippet to show how it looks like.

Inline \textrm{code-snippet}...
		<figure class=listing>
		</figure class=listing>
	\caption{Example code.}
<p>Inline <code>code-snippet</code>...</p>
<figure class=listing>
		<figure class=listing>
		</figure class=listing>
	<figcaption>Example code.</figcaption>
Example code.
  • Inline code samples use the <code> element.
  • Block-level samples of text where whitespace is signficant use the <pre> element.
  • So a block of code with significant whitespace uses <pre><code>.


Inserting a table

Table title.
Col1 Col2 Col3
Item 1 1 Item 1 2 Item 1 3
Item 2 1 Item 2 2 Item 2 3
Tabular caption text.
		\textbf{Col1} & \textbf{Col2} & \textbf{Col3} \\
		Item 1 1 & Item 1 2 & Item 1 3\\
		Item 2 1 & Item 2 2 & Item 2 3
	\caption{Tabular caption text.}
<figure class=table>
	<caption>Table title.</caption>
		<tr> <th> Col1 <th> Col2 <th> Col3
		<tr> <td> Item 1 1 <td> Item 1 2 <td> Item 1 3
		<tr> <td> Item 2 1 <td> Item 2 2 <td> Item 2 3
<figcaption>Tabular caption text.</figcaption>

Styling a table

For style you can use CSS.

Table title
Col1 Col2 Col3
Item 1 1 Item 1 2 Item 1 3
Item 2 1 Item 2 2 Item 2 3
Item 3 1 Item 3 2 Item 3 3
Item 4 1 Item 4 2 Item 4 3
Stylized table
	table.styled {
		width: 40%;
		border: 1px rgba(10%, 10%, 10%, 0.5) solid;
	table.styled caption {
		font-weight: bold;
	table.styled .col1 {
		background-color: #ffffda;
	table.styled thead {
		background-color: rgba(10%, 10%, 10%, 0.5);
		color: white;
	table.styled tbody tr:nth-child(even) {
		background-color: rgba(85%, 85%, 85%, 0.5);
<table class=styled>

Float positioning

Add top or bottom class to your figure environment to position the figure at the top or botton of a page (requires css properties not yet supported in all browsers).

<figure class="top">...
figure .top {
	float: top;



Switch fonts

All fonts installed on your computer can also be used by setting the css font-family property. The following paragraph, for example, uses your local Gill Sans font (if that is not available the Vollkorn font will be used):

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

	.otherfont {
		font-family: 'Gill Sans', 'Vollkorn', sans-serif;
<p class="otherfont">...

articlecls only uses the local fonts but you can easily use Google Web Fonts or Typekit if you want to publish online.


Customized symbols

You can create your own fontfile with customized symbols by using, for example, Inkscape or SVG directly. Such fontfiles can be loaded with css and used in your documents. As an example, the font described in fonts/articlecls.svg contains a customized star symbol: or an accolade: . It can be called as follows:

<style scoped>
	@font-face { 
		font-family: "articlecls";
		src: url(fonts/articlecls.svg#articlecls) format("svg");
	.star { font-family: "articlecls"; }
	.star:before { content: "s"; }
... star symbol: <span class=star></span>

More information about making your own font on the Webdesigner depot website or the Clever Some Day blog.

For an example svg font, take a look at Iconic or this CSS-Tricks.com overview. To transform into other font formats, you can use the Font Squirell @font-face generator.


Inserting an equation

articlecls uses MathJax to display mathematical equations with $\LaTeX$ inline $\frac{a}{b}$ and as blocks:


Or a more extensive example:

\[ \begin{aligned} \label{eqmaxwell} \nabla \times \vec{\mathbf{B}} -\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{E}}}{\partial t} & = \frac{4\pi}{c}\vec{\mathbf{j}} \\ \nabla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{E}} & = 4 \pi \rho \\ \nabla \times \vec{\mathbf{E}}\, +\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{B}}}{\partial t} & = \vec{\mathbf{0}} \\ \nabla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{B}} & = 0 \end{aligned} \]

And we can reference equations \eqref{eqmaxwell} and \eqref{eqsimple}.

\nabla \times \vec{\mathbf{B}} -\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{E}}}{\partial t} & = \frac{4\pi}{c}\vec{\mathbf{j}} \\
\nabla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{E}} & = 4 \pi \rho \\
\nabla \times \vec{\mathbf{E}}\, +\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{B}}}{\partial t} & = \vec{\mathbf{0}} \\
\nabla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{B}} & = 0
And we can reference equations \ref{eqmaxwell}.
\nabla \times \vec{\mathbf{B}} -\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{E}}}{\partial t} & = \frac{4\pi}{c}\vec{\mathbf{j}} \\
\nabla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{E}} & = 4 \pi \rho \\
\nabla \times \vec{\mathbf{E}}\, +\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{B}}}{\partial t} & = \vec{\mathbf{0}} \\
\nabla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{B}} & = 0
<p>And we can reference equations \eqref{eqmaxwell}.</p>


Article.cls uses citeproc-js, which is an implementation of the Citation Style Language (CSL), to handle citations.

Inserting citations

Citations can be added to a Javascript file that is included as an option to the article.cls class: bibliography=articlecls_bib.js. Citing within the document has the following result: see reference and . The necessary html-code is the following:

see reference \ref{Meert2012}.

# BibTeX

# BibLaTeX
# header
# body
see reference <a href="#Meert2012" class=cite></a>.

<section id=bibliography>

The bib entries themselves are entered as Javascript according to the citeproc-js format and is based on the MODS bibliography metadata format. The file articlecls_bib.js, for example, contains the following:

% BibTeX
	title = {Some example reference title},
	author = {
		Meert, Wannes and
		Lastname, Firstname
	journal = {One or Another Journal},
	volume = {18},
	pages = {463--509},
	year = {2012}
var bibdata = {
	"Meert2012" : {
		"id": "Meert2012",
		"title": "Some example reference title",
		"author": [
			{"family": "Meert", "given": "Wannes"},
			{"family": "Lastname", "given": "Firstname"},
		"container-title":"One or Another Journal",
		"volume": "18",
		"page": "463-509",
		"issued": {
			"date-parts": [
				[2012, 1]
		"type": "article-journal"

The result can be seen in the bibliography section.

More information about CSL:

  • CSL is used by Mendeley, Zotero, Pages2.
  • The input language is based upon MODS (for citeproc-js, a JSON version of MODS is used). For more information about the entities, see the Citation Style Guide Specifications.
  • Editing your own style: CSL Editor.

Citation Format

The JSON format to enter citation entries is based on MODS and is briefly explained in the citeproc-js documentation. Underneath is a summary of often used fields:

  • id (string): The unique identifier
  • title (string): The title of the article
  • author (array): The authors
    • family (string): Family name, last name
    • surname (string): Family name, last name
    • given (string): First name
    • forename (string): First name
  • editors (array): The editors, format is the same as for authors
  • container-title (string): Name of journal, proceeding
  • published_in (string): Name of journal, proceeding
  • series (string)
  • volume (string): Volume number
  • issue (string): Issue number
  • page (string): Pagenumber(s) of publication
  • pages (string): Pagenumber(s) of publication
  • chapter (string)
  • publisher (string)
  • institution (string)
  • year (string)
  • issued (dictionary): Date when article was issued
    • date-parts (array):
      • Array to identify date [year, month], or [year, month, day]
  • type (string): Type of publication
    • article-journal
    • journal
  • identifiers (dictionary):
    • issn (string)
    • isbn (string)
    • doi (string)
    • pmid (string)
  • website (string)
For more information about the entities, see the Citation Style Guide Specifications.

Using bibliography styles

Citation styles can be set as an article.cls option:

<script data-options="bibliography=articlecls_bib.js, citationstyle=ieee" src="js/articlecls.js"></script>

Extra citation and bibliography styles can be found at the CLS: citation styles website or on the CSL Visual Editor search by example website. The Visual Editor also allows you to easily and visually change the found style to your needs. Once you have found or created a bibliography style you can copy it into the citationstyles variable (e.g., in your bibliography javascript file) as follows:

citationstyles['myieee'] = "<style xmlns=\"http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl\" class=\"in-text\"><info>...

The new style is now available with the name 'myieee' to the citationstyle option. The result can be seen in the bibliography section.

Converting to PDF

Page size

The output is printed to an A4-pdf.

@page {
	size: A4;
	/* size: letter; */
	/* size: 210mm 297mm; */
	margin: 27mm 16mm 27mm 16mm;
	/* marks: crop cropss; */

HTML to PDF convertor


Use print functionality of Safari or Firefox. Not all new print-related css features are yet available.


Prince allows direct printing from html to pdf. Prince supports new css features targeted towards print but has limited support for javascript. To overcome this you can pre-process the html file and let Prince parse the resulting html-file. In the support folder you can find a helper script based upon PhantomJS that does this task for you (support/processjs.sh).


$ latex  articlecls
$ bibtex articlecls
$ latex  articlecls
$ latex  articlecls
$ prince articlecls.html -o articlecls.pdf



  • Normalize.css: Start from a normalized CSS state.
  • jQuery: More easily alter the DOM-tree using Javascript.
  • MathJax: For displaying mathematical equations.
  • Hyphenator.js: Improved hyphenation.
  • Citeproc-js: Citation formatting.
  • CSS3: The CSS standard that contains the paged media options.
  • HTML5: HTML with more semantic tags usable for print

Comparison to LaTeX

Advantages of HTML to LaTeX

  • Future-proof: HTML becomes more and more important as a format for traditional and ebook publishing. It serves as the basis for the .epub format and the .ibooks format. Also, it is used for online word processors like Google Docs and Zoho Writer.
  • Mobile: Easy reformatting for mobile usage.
  • Online: Easy distribution of articles over the web (native).
  • Debugging: Easy css and javascript debugging with advanced tools (in-browser tools, Firebug, Web inspector, htmllint, jslint, csslint, ...).
  • Stylize: It is more easy to make visually appealing layouts with html and css.
  • Interactive: In html it is easy to incorporate dynamic content for ebooks and online articles.

Disadvantages of HTML to LaTeX

  • Consistency: LaTeX has more consistent commands.
    In html you mix html-commands, css-commands, javascript-commands, and, in our case, MathJax-commands which all have a different syntax.
    Applying Handlebars.js would make the syntax more consistent but at the cost of introducing yet another (non-standard) style.
  • Cross-referencing: Cross-referencing is not as easy and consistent as in LaTeX.
    For example, you need to add a class to notify css that it is a reference to an image or a table to get the correct count automatically inserted (although this is probably solvable with some Javascript pre-processing).
  • Redefinability: LaTeX allows hooks on all levels. With html you are limited to the hooks defined beforehand (although powerful things are possible as is proven by the MathJax library).




More information about cite-proc: cite-proc documentation.